Thursday, October 17, 2013

River Romp Schedule & Contact Info

Schedule (with a Green Fleet Focus)
Here's a link to an explanation of what happens when at the River Romp.  There's a LOT of info here -- print it and bring it in the car!

Contact Info
The LYC sign-up sheet we use has sailor and parent names, and cell numbers.  It's a useful page on your smartphone when you need to call someone to make plans, located here:

On Friday as we drive to Ft. Myers, I will activate the GroupMe group for the first time this year and add everyone on the spreadsheet who's coming.  This will result in you getting a text.  To join the group, you must reply to this text, with anything -- just say "Hi" if you like.  Fair warning, as people do, everyone else in the group will receive this, so yes, you will be receiving multiple texts Friday afternoon.  GroupMe has a free app for iPhone (and Android??) you can download that's a little more user-friendly, or you can go online to, sign up/log-in, and search for & join the "LYC Opti" or "LYC Green Fleet" groups.  Remember, whenever you send a text, even a reply, it goes to EVERYONE in the group, so please use it for important and time sensitive info.

After the Regatta
Phil needs to return the LYC trailer to its resting space, and to allow that, we need to get our boats and gear off the truck and trailer no later than Tuesday.  Those practicing on Tuesday can do it then, but if you don't plan to come until Wednesday, do it Tuesday, Monday, or even Sunday night after the truck gets home.

- Bob

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